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I have written on topics that are both technical and ethereal across a wide range of industries. While this portfolio demonstrates a subset of my writing and editing work, I provide comprehensive services in the following areas:

  • Marketing and strategic plans
  • Executive presentations
  • Executive ghostwriting/co-writing
  • Executive interviews (written, filmed)
  • Crisis communications
  • Indiegogo/Kickstarter campaigns
  • Press releases/public relations
  • Feature writing
  • Blog posts
  • White papers/case studies
  • Employee communications
  • Integrated nurturing campaigns
    • Email
    • Social/digital messaging/ad copy
    • Landing pages
  • FAQs
  • Web copy and navigation
  • Editing (articles, white papers, books)
  • Proofreading/website audits
  • Mentoring writers
  • Website updates
  • Digital marketing/social media strategies
  • Content calendars
  • Editorial calendars
  • Scripts and storyboards
  • Event services
    • Talking points
    • Event assets/collateral
    • Event marketing
  • Educational assets
    • Course curriculum
    • Syllabi